The mission of Jesus Christ obeys the Love of the Father, who loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son (Jn 3:16; 4:34; 14:31; 1 Jn 4:9-10).
The Holy Spirit communicates that universal love to the Church (cf. Rm 5:5) so that, sent by his Lord to serve the world, be in all the faithful Bride who says: "Come, Lord Jesus" (Ap 22:20 ).
Jesus Christ, by his infinite goodness and mercy, leads us to love one another as he has loved us (Jn 15:12.17; 13:34), that is, giving his life for his friends (Jn 15:13).
And we want to help men to accept the friendship that Jesus Christ offers us, which is a source of charity for everyone. Because the friendship of the Lord leads us out from ourselves, from our “own love, want and interest” (EE 189), and thus introduces us to the sacrificed service that He himself gives to the brothers (cf. Jn 13,14 ), especially by opening the heart to the needy (cf. 1Jn 3,16-18).
The mission of the Servants of Jesus is to help men to give themselves to their own mission and participate like this in the mission of Jesus Christ.
Our mission in the Church and in the world is ordered to:
1. To help men to recognize God as Creator and Father full of love and to allow themselves to be loved by Him (see EE 23 and 230-237);
2. to favor the encounter of men with Jesus Christ, the Redeemer who has died for the forgiveness of our sins (cf. EE 53), who gives us confession as a sacrament (cf Jn 20:23) and as a constant attitude towards Him (cf 1Jn 1:8-2,2);
3. to help the Christian faithful to always listen again to the voice of the Lord who calls each and every one (see EE 95) and shows them the way (cf. EE 146) so that they always more surrender to the will of God (Jn 15:14) according to their state of life;
4. to promote feeling with the Church, the true Bride of Christ (see EE 352 and 353), encouraging the deep sense of faith and love that will guide obedience to the Pope, successor of Saint Peter (see EE 365) , fostering communion in the Church, appreciation for Her Tradition and the love of friendship that thanks with joy the multiform gifts of the Holy Spirit.